South Carolina

Proposed Route

South Carolina is an excellent example of where the APT is still being determined. It has been our decision to release as many possibilities as we can to the public in order for The APT volunteers to provide feedback. This course will allow for the greatest opportunity for conservation corridor development in South Carolina.

The Foothills Trail

“Not only does the Foothills Trail offer a superior hiking experience (Backpacker magazine rated it as “one of the best long trails [fifty plus miles] in the country”), it also provides access to some spectacular waterfalls for sightseers and photographers….”

The Palmetto Trail

Imagine 500 miles of cross-state hiking and bicycling paths beside lakes, across mountain ridges, through forests, into towns big and small, and across swamps:

  • Showcasing conservation and preservation from mountains to sea

East Coast Greenway From Florida to Maine


Which direction will you go?

North Country